"22 Bullets" (2010) is a gripping and intense action thriller that follows the story of Charly Matteï, played by Jean Reno, a former mobster who has left his criminal life behind to start anew with his family. However, his peaceful life is shattered when he is ambushed and left for dead with 22 bullets in his body. Miraculously surviving the attack, Charly is consumed by a thirst for revenge and vows to track down and punish those responsible for the attempt on his life. With a riveting plot and intense action sequences, "22 Bullets" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Charly unleashes his fury on those who wronged him. Jean Reno delivers a powerful and convincing performance, portraying the character's inner turmoil and relentless determination for vengeance. The film is a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping ride from start to finish, making it a must-see for fans of action-packed cinema.